Five ways young creatives can advocate for industry change
Anomaly’s Karina Wilsher's advice for entering the creative industry and making an impact

As partner and Global CEOO at Anomaly, Karina Wilsher's career advice urges young creatives to challenge the industry and the status quo as they take their first steps in their career.
If you are about to take your first step in the creative industry and are wondering how to land a creative job, some creative industry specific career advice can go a long way. Karina has drawn upon her wealth of knowledge to provide advice for young creatives on how to make a good impression at work and how to learn new skills outside of your role.
Listen below for the full talk, or get the need-to-know from our quick take-aways.
1. Diversity is the mother of creativity
Unfortunately the creative industry still has a long way to go. This isn’t about quotas or ticking boxes, creativity is born out of different perspectives and great debate. Embrace all different ages, nationalities and perspectives. You can’t get to the richest creative expressions if you don’t have diverse thinkers.
2. Destroy silos
Even if you end up in a specialist creative career, make sure you always remember to dip out of your silo you are operating in, to expand your definition of creativity.
3. Embrace the modern speed of making
There are some legacy behaviours that exist in the creative industry - how much things cost, how long they take. Actually, if you have the right approach and the right thinkers, this isn’t true anymore. Get used to making quickly but brilliantly, and use all technology to your advantage.
4. Wherever you are you will do well if you act like an owner
Be accountable for your work, treat each creative brief as if it were for your own company. Treat every opportunity as if it is your money, product and brand. It will be more fun, and you will have a different level of application that will allow you to be successful.
5. Be unreasonable
The worst thing you could do would be to accept the status quo, the process and rules that have gone before. Challenge the status quo, be unreasonable and embrace change.
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Take a look at more tips and inspiration to help you kick start your creative career or with your New Blood entry.