A collaborative project funded by the EU to address the creative skills gap between education and industry.

About the project
Bridging the creativity gap is an EU funded project, forging collaboration between D&AD, IAAC (FABLABS), ADCE, OULU University and Kersnikova.
Extensive research has been conducted to identify the creative skills gaps between education and industry and 5 leading European partners have been brought together to address this disparity.
The project has produced an extensive virtual learning programme which draws upon innovative learning methodologies, industry leaders and subject experts. All is available free of charge to tutors, students and a wider community looking to develop these skills and forge a career in the creative industry.
You can find out more about the research undertaken to identify the skills gaps we are addressing through this course.
White paper
Free Learning Course
Together with our partners we have developed a series of free-to-access learning resources for students and tutors, available via the D&AD online campus. Enrol below to get started.
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