Lucy Cleland
- Editorial Director
- United Kingdom
Lucy Cleland is the co-founder and editorial director of Country & Town House, the world's first B Corp glossy. She profoundly believes in the power of words, beauty, and storytelling to help us navigate our way through these current times which feel very precarious but which also offer us a huge opportunity for change for the better. Keeping to the magazine's mantra of 'a life in balance', which can be applied across the board to whatever we're doing, Lucy tries to carefully balance the urgent need to stop over-consuming by advocating a buy less, buy better mantra and really educating ourselves as to where our products come from and where they end up; to profiling people who are making radical impacts on our lives to infusing the pages with joy, fun and inspiration too. She wants C&TH to be a place from which readers come away feeling better and feeling thoughtful – and ready for action.
Contact Lucy.